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Personnel Committee Minutes September 27, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
September 27, 2006                                                      Jeanne Shapiro ok
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara

The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.    Minutes of June 6, September 6 and September 13, 2006 were read and approved.  

Town Administrator Jodi Ross was present for this meeting.

The Personnel Committee reviewed the recommendation of Treasurer Joanne Jenkins to increase the mileage rate for town employees.  Based on information provided, on a motion made by DiBugnara and seconded by Minardi, the Personnel Committee voted to raise the town business mileage reimbursement rate to the IRS standard of 44.5 cents per mile effective October 1, 2006.~

A memo will be sent to all departments along with a revised mileage reimbursement form.

Ms. Ross and the Personnel Committee discussed the draft EMT/Reserve job description.  This position will be used for backup to the full time EMT/Firefighter (Dave Farrell) for days when the high school cadets are not on duty and for vacation/sick time for Mr. Farrell.   

The Personnel Committee provided a rating evaluation of the EMT/Reserve position and it was rated at a Grade 5.   Ms. Ross proposed a .50 cent stipend for any employee that also has the fire academy training.  Ms. Ross reported that both Fire Chief John Stephenson and Ambulance Director Gery Wilson were favorable to this proposal.
On a motion made by Minardi and seconded by DiBugnara the Personnel Committee voted to place the EMT-Reserve position at Grade 5 with the current employees receiving $18.10 which is Step 3 retroactive to August 15, 2006 and new hires starting at Step 1, and to approve the .50 cent per hour stipend. (Minardi – yes, DiBugnara – yes, Shapiro – yes)  The job description will be revised to the minimum education and training requirements for the EMT/FF to receive the .50 cent per hour stipend.

On a motion made by DiBugnara and seconded by Minardi, the Personnel Committee voted to accept the above mentioned job description.  

Meeting adjourned.